2018 |
Principle Investigator, Past the Window, Pro Helvetia, Switzerland,
CHF 1,500. |
2014 |
Principle Investigator, Temporal Chaos, Tier 1 Grant, S$77,500. |
2012 |
Co-Principle Investigator, Game Design for Entertainment (A Content Development Think Tank) Multi-pLatform Game Innovation Centre (MAGIC), NTU, GDE funding S$4600,000 |
2011 |
Principle Investigator, & Conceptual Art,
2010 |
Co-Principle Investigator, Virtual Pink Dolphins,
2009 |
Co-Investigator, Replicating and Processing of Human Body Motion for
S$1.4 million |
2007 |
Co- Principle Investigator, Virtual Playground,
2004 |
Presentation Funds Grant, The Experimental Television Center (ETC),
Grant Reviewer
2014 |
Office of Research Administration and Development Research Cluster, NTU |
2012 |
Office of Research Administration and Development Research Cluster, NTU Development Seed Funding Peer Review Committee, NTU University of Southern Maine, Portland, Maine, USA NTURC Sub-Committee Reviewer to Evaluate MoE Proposals and Nanyang Assistant Professorship (NAP) |