Feinstein, K. The Image That Doesn’t Want to be Seen (Atropos Press, New York, 2010)
Books (Chapter contributions):
Feinstein, K
The Image of Presence and the Presence of the Image. In: Kurosu M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction. Design and User Experience. HCII 2020. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12181. Springer, Cham, 2020)
Ramanathan, S & Feinstein, K,
‘On the use of different presentation formats in an exhibit at a science center to communicate sea level rise,’ in: Promoting Climate Change Awareness through Environmental Education, Wilson, L. & and Stevenson, C. (eds.), (PP. 111-131), (IGI Global Publishing, New York, USA 2015)
Feinstein, K, Our Relationship With the Image as a Form of Being-With, (Proceeding of Electronic Visualisation in the Arts 2020, BCS Learning and Development Ltd., London UK, 2020)
Feinstein, K, From Metaphor Machine to Being-With Apparatus, (Pòs, Volume 10, Number 19, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2020)
Feinstein, K, Being-with Media: Encountering the moving image in physical space, (Proceeding of Electronic Visualisation in the Arts 2019, BCS Learning and Development Ltd., London UK, 2019)
Van Kets, M. & Feinstein, K. The influence of the cinematographer on the cinematographic discourse of fiction film: Gregg Toland in Cinematography in Progress,
Imago Education, 2019.
Feinstein, K, Beyond the Screen Moving images in Physical Spaces, (Proceedings of the 23nd Annual Virtual Systems & Multi Media conference, Dublin, Ireland, 2018)
IEEE publication.
Morris, J & Feinstein, K, Temporal Chaos: Hybrid Media as Museum Display, (Proceedings EVA Berlin, Berliner Veranstaltung der internationalen EVA-Serie: 22, Berlin Germany, 2015)
Feinstein, K. Telegeneric Realities, (The International Journal of the Image, Vol. 1 Num. 1,
Urbana-Champaign, USA. 2011)
Feinstein, K. Kafka, Blanchot & Gaming, (Journal of Art in Society, Vol. 5 Num. 2,
Urbana-Champaign, USA. 2010)
Feinstein, K. Telegeneric Images, (Semiophagy: Journal of Pataphysics & Existential Semiotics, Volume II. Toronto, Canada. 2009)
Feinstein, K. On Belief, (Semiophagy: Journal of Pataphysics & Existential Semiotics,Volume I. Toronto, Canada 2008)
Feinstein, K. The Heretics of Information: The Death of Rhetoric, (New York Studies in Media
Philosophy, Volume 9. 2004)
Feinstein, K. İnsancıl Bir Tipolojiye Doğru İlerlemek, (Sanatatak, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013)
Feinstein, K. Thinking Installation, (Singapore Art Gallery Guide, Vol. 4, Number 9,
Singapore. 2008)
Exhibition Catalogue (Contributor):
Feinstein, K. Photographing Publics, Tell Me Something I Don’t Know,
(Grey Projects, Singapore, 2014)
Feinstein, K. The Pencil of Nature: Drawings by Pravathi Nayar, in: I Sing the Body Electric, (Bombay Art Gallery, Bombay India. 2008)
Feinstein, K. Painting By Numbers, in: Number Trance FACE. (Pace Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2008)
N.S. Harsh- Cosmic Orphans (Bode Art, Singapore, 2006.) Photographer for monograph
Feinstein, K. Pure Salt is like Pure Reason They Both Dissolve in Water, in: The Salt of Water, (Museum of the World Ocean, Kaliningrad Russia, 2006)
Feinstein, K. Recollections in Space, Unknown Infinity: Culture and Identity in the Digital Age, (Taipei Galley, New York, 2001)
Feinstein, K. Infinite Cinema, COMTEC art ’99, (Kulturamt der Landesshaupstadt
Dresden, 1999)